Friday, 7 June 2013

Lighting Industry Review

hid street lights
The Lighting industry has many products and there as many competitors of every products as well. The manufacturers include metal halide manufacturer, Hid bulb manufacturer, HPS light manufacturer and also now there is another competitor which is LED lights. All these bulbs and technologies are unique in their own way and holds competitive edge over each other. As we can say Metal halide captured the market share before there were HID lights. Hid lights are the new technology so they are currently most advanced and are better in performance naturally. LED lights are in talks also but the competitive edge is restricted only at small scale, such as indoor usages because the light requirement is low and hence LED performs better and are more energy efficient but if we talk about outdoor use or industrial use then Metal halide and HID are the best options.
As technology develops it brings more and more advanced technologies and always bring better products. Change is inevitable and changing technologies are a part of change. Hence when talking about HID’s for lighting the HID street lights although facing many challenges introducing and bringing awareness about their product, are also optimistic about the growth and at the same time trying to make it better and better.

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