Sunday, 16 June 2013

Trands in plastic Surgery

Skin rejuvenation is a cosmetic procedure to improve the skin of a person. Many techniques have been introduced untill yet to improve the look of may require use of many kinds of techniques and machines that can not only remove face wrinkles and ugly spots but also can reshape the body parts.
Treatments of skin related spots and irregularities may involve photo facial treatment, photo rejuvenation treatment and transfer.
According to a survey about 85% of the Americans like to have plastic surgery and the most preferred desired surgical procedures may include facelifts, nose surgery, and skin resurfacing. Rejuvenation is called the reversal of aging. As due to the treatment the aging affect can be remove or reduce by the treatment. Treatment through laser technology is also a famous treatment to get a smooth and clean skin.
Skin rejuvenation is normally done for the persons who have wrinkles, sun damaged skin or chicken pox scars. Machines that are used for this purpose are photon led skin rejuvenator, RF bipolar face lift skin machine, fraxel sr750 laser system, fraxel SR 1500 laser system, fraxel repair laser system, fraxel laser restore system, syndrome elight laser system. Skin rejuvenation treatment performs wrinkle reduction, skin tightening and pigmentation.
Laser skin resurfacing involves removal of skin layer by layer with precision. The new skin gives a light and younger look.
There was a woman who got a treatment of plastic surgery in 1999.she was then 48 years old. Her operation was done by a famous dermatologist Jeffry Dover. There were also some risks too. Jeffry is very famous for his successful surgeries in America. He has also appeared in good morning America, the famous morning show of America. The patients are normally satisfied after such resurfacing surgeries.

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